Anxiety is an issue that most students are faced with especially during finals week. Many things can contribute to anxiety and make it better or worse. Everyone experiences some form of anxiety in their life at one point or another. Here are some tips to help you not feel so alone and to cope.
1. Triggers
Common Anxiety Triggers
for Anxiety and Panic - Calm Clinic
The causes for anxiety are usually linked to a person’s upbringing and genetics (Calm Clinic, 2015). Things that make a person’s anxiety worse are considered anxiety triggers, and can be classified as “natural” or “invisible” anxiety triggers (Calm Clinic, 2015). “Natural” triggers, like having a stressful job, create anxiety that the person is aware of, while “invisible” triggers, such as clutter, create anxiety that person is not aware of (Calm Clinic, 2015). Since the causes of anxiety are more challenging to treat, people tend to concentrate on treating their anxiety triggers. Therefore, this webpage discusses different ways a person can decrease his/her anxiety triggers.
2. Time Management & Procrastination
Procrastination: Wasting Our Time and Increasing Our Anxiety– Social Anxiety Institute
This link discusses methods that you can use when you feel like you need to procrastinate. The most helpful part that you will find in this article is the excuses that you use in order to get things done and how you can fix that. It also discusses how procrastination can stress you out and give you anxiety, so if this is something that affects you in life click on the link to learn a little more about it!
Procrastination – Cal Poly Student Academic Services
This link much like the other one helps you understand what procrastination is and how you can conquer it. As shown in the other article it lists excuses for poor time management and what will cause the anxiety more in depth with more options. There are multiple ways to get over the anxiety and the good thing about this article is it gives you a chart to practice what you learned in the article. Click to learn more about this!
3. Meditation
This link connects you with detailed
information about meditation and the benefits linked to improving anxiety and stress. Meditation can create a calming response and help you to learn to control your "fearful thinking" so
that there is less panic ("Meditation", n.d.).
Meditation: A simple, fast way to reduce stress - Mayo Clinic
This link provides help with understanding meditation, the benefits, types and parts of meditation. Meditation has been around for a long time and it helps you focus your thoughts and attention s o that your mind is less jumbled. Through this link, there is help on how to use meditation in your everyday life. You can use techniques such as breathing deeply when stressed or saying a mantra
4. Nutrition
Generalized Anxiety Disorder- Mayo Clinic
9 Foods That Help or Hurt Anxiety - everyday HEALTH
When we are stressed or anxious we tend to eat a lot or eat very little. The foods we do eat are not always the healthiest; it tends to be the junk food we get out of the vendi machine or comfort food. For example, if you tend to overeat when you are stressed try sprinkling chia seeds over your food it’ll help lower your appetite and its rich in O-mega 3’s. Also, it’s important to not to drink coffee because it’ll make you jittery causing one to feel more anxious and it can interrupt sleep. Here are some links that show you the foods to avoid and the foods to eat during finals when we can be the most anxious and stressed. Hope it helps!
The short film we created highlights some key examples of the ways one can handle anxiety, along with some personal insights from our group members. The examples are brief, but we hope you gain some insight on how stress can affect people in different ways.
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For more information, try Managing Anxiety - Anxiety and Depression Association of America