Kinesiology on a Whole New Field
Kick-Start Your Future
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Continued Reading
✦ “A Coach-Initiated
Motivational Climate
Intervention and Athletes’
Perceptions of Group
Cohesion in Youth Sport” by
Colin D. McLaren, Mark A.
Eys, and Robyn A. Murray
[Wilfrid Laurier University]
✦ “Transformational Teaching
and Child Psychological
Needs Satisfaction,
Motivation, and Engagement
in Elementary School
Physical Education” by A.
Justine Wilson, Yan Liu,
Sharon E. Keith, Alexandra H.
Wilson, Lindsey E. Kermer,
Bruno D. Zumbo, and Mark R.
Beauchamp, [The University
of British Columbia]
A Kinesiology practice today is itself a team
of professionals whose cooperation and teamwork repairs muscle tears, sprains, broken bones and provides pain relief for mostly athletic clients/patients.
Every team must have leadership providing members
with direction; he/she must be the “author of vision, mentor,
guide, motivator, and a source of e n c o u r a g e m e n t
[support]” (Daianu &
Abrudan, 2015).
Leaders empower and encourage teamwork by reinforcing the No “I” in Team rule, while at the same time bestowing independence, injecting self-esteem, and motivating members of the group. Simply put, “leadership is a ‘we’ thing, not an ‘I’ thing” (Drennan & Richey, 2012).