Eating disorders are a health concern for people of all ages as well as all genders around the world. However, we are focusing on the prevalence of these disorders amongst female collegiate athletes, as many scientists have found in their studies, strong correlations between female collegiate athletes and a higher prevalence/risk of eating disorders.
(Arthur-Camselle & Quatromoni, 2010)
Disordered Eating: In accordance with the Australian government website ‘’ (2015) disordered eating refers to abnormal eating behaviors, the vast majority of which are shared with diagnosable eating disorders. The main factors that differentiate disordered eating disorders are the severity and frequency of the behaviors.
Eating Disorder — a range of psychological conditions characterized by
abnormal eating habits in which symptoms can lead to the classification as one of the following:
(Disordered Eating and Dieting, 2015)
Female collegiate athletes are not only exposed to the same factors of the general female population that put them at risk of developing an
eating disorder such as negative influences on self-esteem, but also added risk factors that are related to collegiate athletic competition, including:
(Arthur-Camselle & Quatromoni, 2010)