How to Get Children More Active

“Children are great imitators. So give them something great to imitate.” ~Anonymous

With obesity rates on the rise there is no doubt that future generations of people will be at a higher risk of becoming overweight and obese which will lead to higher rates of cardiovascular disease as well as type II diabetes. This is becoming increasingly prevalent in children and adolescents. According to the Cdc, “childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years” (, 2014). So how are we to prevent this?

The minimum recommended amount of physical activity that children and adolescents ages 6-17 should get is 60 minutes per day (, 2014). 

Benefits of Physical Activity


·         Builds healthy muscle and bone
·         Weight control
·         Reduces anxiety and stress
·         Increases self-esteem
·         Reduces risk for cardiovascular disease and diabetes
·         Improves concentration and success in school


Tips to Get Your Children Active


·         Lead by example
·         Get family and friends involved
·         Limit TV and electronic device use
·         Provide positive feedback and rewards
·         Let the kids help choose the activities
·         Create a routine that is easy to follow
·         Most importantly, make it fun and be creative!




(2014, February 27). Childhood Obesity Facts. Retrieved March 30, 2014, from


(2014, March 12). Physical Activity Facts. Retrieved April 15, 2014, from


Henry, Sarah. (2011, August 4). Kid Fitness: When Your Child Won’t Exercise. Retrieved April 15, 2014, from